anoniminity isn't the answer to anything as big as claimed here, such as "a better facebook".
in fact a huge reason why any big corp goes bad is due to anonymous big people inside the groups doing things truly anonymously.
anoniminity isn't the answer to anything as big as claimed here, such as "a better facebook".
+ try reading the whole text without the "+" spoilers first. when you find a + just skip to the next paragraph (except on this paragraph, of course). 😘
in fact a huge reason why any big corp goes bad is due to anonymous big people inside the groups doing things truly anonymously + (actions without authors), such as with any group (even of 2 people: think of marriage and cheating). it just so happens that the smaller the group, the easier it is to find the author when it's clearly something done by a human. in reality, there's no action without an author, so anoniminity is just a social construct anyway.
it has its place, though.
perhaps the major merit is precisely the right to be forgiven and forgotten. if you can't forget, you can't forgive. + if your friend owes you a car for over 20 years, and you still remember it, have you really forgiven them for crashing it? what if it was a toddler putting your house on fire? why all of the sudden it's so much easier to forgive (and even forget)?
+ not everything deserves to be forgiven, but it's all up to our own selves and it can only be detrimental to our own health (as always, exceptions apart). do not forgive hitler just yet (for an easy instance) nor the allies to continue doing war for supporting consumptionism (for a considerably harder expansion instance).
be aware that forgetting without forgiving, however, is also possible and precisely one of the main reasons why anoniminity can't be a solution. + "i completely forgot you were still owning me a car. so, where is it?" is not forgiving. you probably just didn't need it and have been unforgiving to many other things, thus still "doing harm" to other kids in other ways. that's exactly what banks do, after all. (no big group is intrinsically evil, by the way. they all do more good than harm, in average).
(big side note
i'm not talking just about theory here, but it's very complex practice. i'm 39 years old today, and i explored the online and offline world truly unlike at least 99% of people. i know this because i have met over thousands of people as randomly and wide spread as possible and not a single one that went as deep as i did. and there's nothing like tamera.
tamera is a village which is nearly a country inside portugal which exists for about 40 years and had grown from 40 to 200 people in the last 10 years. that's a population number big enough to allow for some anoniminity. yet, there's none. and they turned 200 acres of dessert into lakes filled with plants living fully self sustainably.
we seek privacy in such a broken society probably only because we need to be forgiven and forgotten, but only when it's both at the same time, and only to some (most likely even most) of our actions, not to our humanity. + stealing food because you're living in hunger is easily forgivable. hopefully the person who does it gets help (be seen as a human) rather than going to prison or get punished in any way (be seen as a thing, a thief).
there's no way to be human without an identity. at least to oneself. and there's no way to have a humane society without each one seeing the next one as a human, rather than a completely forgotten and hidden thing. we just need the forgiveness for our mistakes up to the point in which they're forgotten, when it's reasonable. + if you truly can't remember your dumb friend owes you a car, you've done it. teach us all: how?
but let's also not forget the actions. this can be done in a completely anonymous way. and, although when i agree with this, it makes sense to have an online and fully anonymous center for sharing ideas such as this (ideas can be seen as actions without a single owner), the only way to make them fully anonymous is by educating everyone about all this. + hitler is always the best example in our occidental culture... except to the point we give his actions his face, we must not forget what happened. we must further, however, the mustache (for instance). it was from chaplin originally, after all. not that it matters the origin anyway.
brain dump finished.
wished i could redo it all with nothing but concrete words and images, rather than so many subjective ideas. + done. after each "+" sign and each paragraph. 😆
-- cregox
-- cregox