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 Welcome to **~~Camp**! A place where everyone is welcome to participate, free from the baggage of their individual identity.

Think of it like an online homeless camp. A home for the homeless. A place that can be as free and open as the open road, liberating you from your identity, yet also coalescing energy and wisdom and community. A home that won't get swept away by the police on some random day.

A place to regroup!

==~Camp Mission:==

This is a place where you can take off the **"hello my name is"** nametag, and put on your **"anon"** hat! Even moreso if you use tools like the Tor Browser!
,,[[anonymity|Click here for more about true anonymity...]],,

What makes [[~Camp]] fun is exploring a world that all of us helped design! Participating in a communication paradigm that encourages and rewards cooperatively collecting knowledge. A camp created BY the PEOPLE and FOR the PEOPLE! So take a look around, see what you find, and feel free to contribute to it!

==What It Is==

**~~Camp** is a collection of different web things. This web thing is the **~~camp** //wiki//. Also known as the camp //library//, where the camp's information is gathered and organized. Other **~~camp** web thingys that are included are listed below!

|=Table of Contents |
| [[@Openbook]] |
| [[@~wiki]] |
-| [[@~talk]] |
+| [[@~chat]] |
| [[@asciiwith.us]] |
-| [[@~holodeck]] |
-| [[@~anon]] |

There are many different parts to **~~camp**, and there //**may be more at any time**//.

To take a look around the camp, in all it's ASCII glory, you can find the camp map here: http://tilde.camp/map.html


Openbook is Anonymous' answer to Facebook. A "faceless Facebook", where everyone speaks as One.

Openbook is the software that http://tilde.camp/openbook is running on.

The sourcecode can be found here: https://github.com/openboo/Openbook-Opensource-Software

On Openbook, everyone can be an "open book" because they can speak anonymously.

Openbook is listed on the [[http://tilde.camp/map.html|camp map]] as the "stage" because it is a place where anyone can easily put on a show, announce an operation, or just share their piece, in a public place for everyone in camp to see.

Openbook does not use any complex algorithms to reorganize the newsfeed, unlike most social media platforms. Every post appears at the very top of the newsfeed as soon as it is posted, and can get bumped to the top again any time anyone decides to "share" it.

Openbook does not have usernames or accounts, either, so that the social constructs of the ego are practically absent from Openbook, and the posts are meant to inform and entertain each other without seeking fame or fortune for the person who posted it. This aligns the values of Openbook and tilde.camp with the values exalted by the [[http://www.mithral.com/~beberg/manifesto.html|Hacker's Manifesto]].

Openbook also allows us to collectively organize information in a more meaningful way than we could on a more mainstream social media platform, if only because there's **fewer people** on it. But also because the type of people Openbook attracts will care more about the message than the messenger, and more about truth than fame. This means we're helping build a collective base of knowledge, and culture, where it is easy to find what you're looking for, and easy to inspire and encourage each other to take constructive actions to make the world a better place.


Main Article: [[~wiki]]

This is the wiki you're using right now!

The **~~wiki** is somewhat of an ideal wiki, because it is made to be easily edited by anyone and everyone. You do not need an account, or a password, you can just edit the content directly at the bottom of any wiki page and click "Save Changes". The idea is that the wiki is so easy to edit, it encourages everyone's participation!

It is also ideal in that it stores the history of every edit, so that even if an article is defaced, the information is never completely lost to those who are curious enough to crawl back through the previous versions of the article.

The idealism of the Internet, in it's early days, was the idea that the Internet could be a place where everyone contributed to collect information, share ideas, and together we could figure out how to make the world a better place for everyone. This was before profit-motivated institutions started actively working against the freedoms that the Internet provided the common people with, and the philosophy that such freedoms introduced. However, even so, this idealism of the Internet continues to pay off, as Wikipedia continues to be one of the greatest sources of accurate information, and whistle blowers continue to manage to leak information without exposing their identities.

There are, however, many benefits to having a wiki like this one which isn't too mainstream. For example, John Stewart of the Daily Show once tried to make fun of the openness of Wikipedia by showing how he could change an article to say that a certain animal was extinct, even though it wasn't. In doing so, he led the toxic culture of mainstream TV followers to invade the idealistic environment of Wikipedia, causing that article to be relentlessly edited to contain false information, even as the more idealistic people of Wikipedia, faithful to the mission of a collectively managed encyclopedia, worked tirelessly to try and change it back. Eventually the article had to be "locked", to prevent the onslaught of defacement. Of course, John Stewart //could// have **inspired** his audience to edit Wikipedia with accurate information, and there could have been just as many people joining the ranks of the idealistic army of Wikipedia editors that continue to maintain accuracy of information on so many Wikipedia articles, but instead he chose to insult and discredit the platform which wreaked havoc on Wikipedia article in the classic fashion of any self-fulfilling prophecy.

So, any time a little wiki like **~~wiki** pops up, it's like a fresh start. And it allows us to build a culture all our own, away from the mainstream hysteria.

In many cases this idealism of the Internet has eventually proved //too// idealistic, and many websites which did not require membership eventually caved to a more closed system and a more closely monitored and censored environment, as in the case of a "locked" Wikipedia article. However, tilde.camp isn't very well known yet, and if we are careful to invite people who understand the beauty of the openness of tilde.camp, it could last a long time before it's inevitable decline. We cannot stop [[entropy]], but we can create new and beautiful things, and try to maintain that beauty as long as possible. And if we consider it our responsibility to not only maintain the wiki, but maintain the faith we have in it, that it can be maintained, and that such an open platform is not inherently flawed, then our own self-fulfilling prophesy might shield us from such entropy for a very long time before someone like John Stewart decides to ruin it for a joke.


This is a simple live chat. You don't need an account, just a made-up username that's more than 3 characters long.

It's hosted here: https://tilde.camp/talk

Anyone can come here, and say anything, and anyone else who is there will see it. It's that simple! An easy way for different users on [[~Camp]] to hang out without exposing their identities. A place to get to know the other people you're writing a wiki with! :)

And as always, you could increase your anonymity considerably with the tor-browser, if you want to. :)

One way to use this live chat is to transfer links to each other. One person opens their Tor Browser, the other person opens theirs, they both navigate to http://tilde.camp/talk and the link is posted. **Remember:** This chat is **not** private, and it is not shielded from prying eyes in any way, but when used in combination with tools like the Tor Browser it can be completely anonymous. So the things you say, and the links you send, could be seen by anyone, but no one will know who sent it.

Another way the **~~chat** can be used is to have online gatherings where people discuss certain sensitive topics. Once again, the conversation will be public, but the knowledge of who is saying what will be obscured. This is akin to classic IRC chats that Anonymous uses to organize protests and hacking events. However, please do not use it to plan anything **illegal**, because then the [[dark forces]] will jack this website from the person who started it using their stupid FISA secret court orders. If you want to get into some real gray areas, just agree on an IRC channel that you can log into over Tor using Tails OS and take the conversation off of this website, pleaaaase. :)


This isn't exactly on tilde.camp - but it did start here! This was an experiment started on tilde.camp and then moved to https://asciiwith.us where you can play multi-player online!

-It's a very simple idea. It was just trying to deliver an easy way to just hang out and play around together with someone who might be far away. Basically, you can type anything anywhere, you can draw things with text, and if you hit ENTER on a letter you can turn it into a link to a different "room". That's it! The possibilities are endless! Oh, and you can see other people typing REAL TIME if you're on the same screen! So you can play tic-tac-toe, pictionary, or just draw a magical fantasy world!
+It's a very simple idea. It was just trying to deliver an easy way to just hang out and play around together with someone who might be far away. Basically, you can type anything anywhere, you can draw things with text, and if you hit ENTER on a letter you can turn it into a link to a different "room". That's it! The possibilities are endless!

Are there any BUGS you notice? Please add them to the bottom of this wiki article to let me know! :)


+* On certain browsers, the font is still appearing too big for the box, and then pours out or gets all janked up.
* There's one screen that got totally corrupted, I'm not sure why, but it hasn't seemed to happen again (yet...?) please mention it here if it happens! Say which screen, and exactly what you did leading up to it if you can remember.
-* On certain browsers, like Firefox on Android, the font is still appearing too big for the box, and then pours out or gets all janked up.
-** **Thanks! Let me know version numbers if you have them! :)**
-Named after the holodeck in Star Trek that allowed anything to be simulated, this program allows any text-based adventures to be described and created by it's users. The text-based game is extremely open-ended, and works simply by allowing any text available in the room description to be an invitation to the next screen. If you try typing some existing text to go to the next screen, but no one has created the next screen, you are forced to be the one to describe it (unless you type 'back' or press CTRL+C to escape your responsibility.)
-There are multiple text-based worlds available, and more can be created any time. Please treat the worlds with care, and add to the worlds whatever you think would make that world even more fun to explore.
-It's recommended that you start with the "intro1" world, to be sure you understand how to play, before moving on to another world.
-To play **Holodeck** use the following command-line command to log on:
-{{{ssh infinite@tilde.camp}}} whereanythingispossible
-Ask the admin in-person for more information.
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