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-Welcome to the tilde wiki!!! The wiki for [[~Camp]]!
+Welcome to the tilde wiki!!!! The wiki for [[~Camp]]!

This is where all the **happy campers** of http://tilde.camp can document different ideas, compile their collective research, and share information with each other, away from the noise and chaos of the mainstream internet.

This is a simple wiki, powered by PHP, and using the python script [[creoledump]] to translate the [[http://www.wikicreole.org|WikiCreole]] into HTML.

+|=Table of Contents|
-* The **~~wiki** DOES NOT allow spaces in the article titles. **Use an underscore** between the words.
-* The **~~wiki** DOES recognize single line breaks, although this is not in accordance to standard WikiCreole 1.0 specifications.
-* The **~~wiki** misrepresents the ~~ character, for some reason. The general fix is, if it doesn't show up, use two in it's place.
-** The ~ //will// work in a header, or a link, or in the "no formatting" tag like this: {{{~wiki}}}
-** The ~ //won't// work if it's used normally, unless it stands alone like this: ~
+* The **~~wiki** DOES recognize single line breaks, although this is not in accordance to standard **WikiCreole 1.0 specifications**.
+* The **~~wiki** has other discrepancies from specifications, listed in the [[@Discrepancies/Additions]] section below.
+* The **~~wiki** misrepresents the ~ character, for some reason. It works fine in [[links]] and **Headers** and inside the {{{no-formatting}}} tag, but it doesn't always work in the normal text. The general fix is, if it doesn't show up, use two in it's place.
+** **//But//** apparently it works like the --strike-- does, so if you use two tildes in two places it works like ~~this~~. Ay yi yi...
+** **Worst case scenario:** You use refer to the ~~wiki and then to ~~camp and it all breaks like this...
+** **Best case scenario:** You use the link tag whenever you refer to the [[~wiki]] or to [[~camp]] :D
+For more specifics on **~~wiki** bugs scroll down to [[@Bugs]].
+To play around with [[http://www.wikicreole.org/|WikiCreole]] syntax, and try to get a hang of it, feel free to edit the [[sandbox]] article as much as you want!

The syntax for WikiCreole is below:


+This logs any changes made to the background programming of the [[~wiki]].
+* The articles can contain spaces now! Yay! :)
+This is where all the known bugs are listed. Please add to the list if you find any.
+* The ~ doesn't always show up.
+** The ~ **//will//** work in a header, or a link, or in the "no formatting" tag.
+** The ~ **//will//** work in normal text //if// no characters directly follow it, as in this~ or standing alone like ~
+** The ~ **//won't//** work in normal text if any characters come right after it.
+This is stuff that is not exactly according to WikiCreole 1.0 specifications, although it's not technically a "bug".
+* A single line break **will** be represented on the page, as a line break, although it's not supposed to.
+* All headers have an "id=" of the same name, which means they can be linked to with a "page jump" link.
+* To create a "page jump" link that will link to a header on the page, just create a link of the same name as the header with the "@" symbol just before it. Like: {{{[[@header]]}}}.
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