Browser activity and IP addresses are
being logged by government surveillance.

Anonymity is won only by understanding
and using multiple tools like Tor-Browser.
19 months ago "since 1989"

Ethical Consumer is a great buyers guide to being sure you're not supporting something really bad when you buy stuff.

I went there looking for advice about buying a tablet, and certain brands were recommended over other brands, while certain brands were singled out as especially problematic, but ultimately it said the most ethical option is buying something refurbished or second hand. (This was 2022).

#ethical💬 #howto💬 #buying💬

And #fskynet💬 just for good measure ;)

-120 comment
30 months ago

Here's a video of how to install Picroft a.k.a. Mycroft on a raspberry pi. It's an open-source voice assistant. The opensource alternative to Alexa and Siri and Google!!!! Pretty cool advance :) soldier on, humans! #fskynet💬

#howto💬 #RaspberryPi💬 #mycroft💬 #picroft💬

-120 comment
41 months ago

Learn how to draw! This guy showed people who think that they can't draw, that they actually can draw, in just a few minutes!

#learn💬 #howto💬 #draw💬

tagged: #fskynet💬

-273 comments(1)
48 months ago

A primer from activist collective Extinction Rebellion on smartphone security for people participating in activist organizing and protests. A how-to guide, as well as some philosophy and guidelines for developing a good security culture to support activism and disruptive public actions.

#encryption💬 #howto💬 #security💬 #activism💬

tagged: #fskynet💬

-130 comments(1)
49 months ago

Hashtags can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. They cannot contain spaces.

Hashtags must be separated by spaces! If you cram a string of hashtags together without spaces between them, they're hard to read, and on Openbook only the first hashtag will be turned into a link (in order to to discourage such madness).

Hashtags usually start with a letter, although they CAN start with a number, but ONLY if they ALSO include letters. This allows the original use of the "#" symbol to represent numbers without causing conflict with the newer use of # to represent hashtags. For example, numbers such as #1, or the meaning of life #42, will not turn into hashtag links or generate wiki articles.

Hashtags cannot have a space anywhere inside the hashtag, since a space marks the end of a hashtag. However, a hashtag can contain multiple words, as long as there are no spaces between the words. To make the hashtag more readable, capitalize each word in it. For instance, you can write @OpenbookHistory💬 instead of @openbookhistory💬, even though these both link to the same hashtag. You can also use an underscore in a hashtag, although this is uncommon.

If you're into the history of hashtags check out @HashtagHistory💬.

To theorize about how we can best use hashtags, use @HashtagTheory💬.

To learn how hashtags can inspire mass action, search these two hashtags together:
@Anonymous💬 @hashtags101💬

#howto💬 #openbook101💬 #hashtags101💬

tagged: #fskynet💬

-77 comments(1)