Browser activity and IP addresses are
being logged by government surveillance.

Anonymity is won only by understanding
and using multiple tools like Tor-Browser.
12 months ago

Operation: Everyday Advice.

This is how we tag concise, straight-forward everyday advice. What defines whether the advice is truly "everyday" advice is whether it would come in handy every single day of your life if only you could remember it. Things like sleeping enough, drinking water, eating less sugar, and treating other people with compassion.

So if you have any everyday advice for each other, just tag it with #everyday💬 #advice💬, and if you want to look for some random everyday advice just look up #everyday💬#advice - good looking out for each other!

#everyday💬 #advice💬 #intro💬


-61 comment
13 months ago

Krita 5 is a great Animation Tool!

Now with motion tweening!

Krita is a #free💬 and #opensource💬 tool for creating digital art, including animation! And in Krita 5 they've introduced motion tweening! So now you can use motion tweens by going to "Settings->Dockers->Animation Curves" and you can move a whole "group" of layers as one thing.


#opensource💬 #animation💬 #software💬


-61 comment
12 months ago

Here is a thoughtful proposal about how to stop advanced AI, specifically Artificial General Intelligence, from becoming superintelligent and killing us all. A well-known top AI researcher has called for preventative measures to bomb data centers which contain the AI data training, and put a hard legal limit on the computational power used in an AGI system.

#AI💬 #defense💬 #article💬

As a solution, Yudkowsky suggests a moratorium on new large training runs, which should be indefinite and worldwide.

He recommends shutting down all the large GPU clusters, which are the large computer farms where the most powerful AIs are refined, and putting a ceiling on how much computing power anyone is allowed to use in training an AI system.

Yudkowsky argues that no exceptions should be made for governments and militaries, and that immediate multinational agreements are needed to prevent prohibited activities from moving elsewhere.

In order to enforce these regulations, Yudkowsky proposes tracking all GPUs sold, and being less scared of a shooting conflict between nations than of the moratorium being violated. He suggests that rogue data centres should be destroyed by airstrikes if necessary."


-63 comment
12 months ago

The sooner you do something, the more likely it is that you'll get it done.

#everyday💬 #advice💬 #timemanagement💬

-64 comment
12 months ago

LÖVE Web Builder lets you package your #love2D💬 scripts as web programs, and let's you download as HTML and Javascript so you can run it locally in your browser or run it on your server. #fskynet💬

This means you can code with Love2D even with the lowest low-end hardware, anything that can run a text editor and a web browser, and then just use this website to compile the results without hassle!

#homebrew💬 #love2D💬 #utils💬

-64 comment
13 months ago

Very interesting #AI💬 news, there's an open letter going around gathering signatures from the Future of Life Institute that states:

"We call on all AI labs to immediately pause for at least 6 months the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4"

Interestingly, the petition has already been signed by big tech CEOs and technologists that are very involved in current A.I. development.

#tech💬 #AI💬 #petition💬

#defense💬 #caution💬 #HUSIA💬

-65 comment
50 months ago

Hashtags can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. They cannot contain spaces.

Hashtags must be separated by spaces! If you cram a string of hashtags together without spaces between them, they're hard to read, and on Openbook only the first hashtag will be turned into a link (in order to to discourage such madness).

Hashtags usually start with a letter, although they CAN start with a number, but ONLY if they ALSO include letters. This allows the original use of the "#" symbol to represent numbers without causing conflict with the newer use of # to represent hashtags. For example, numbers such as #1, or the meaning of life #42, will not turn into hashtag links or generate wiki articles.

Hashtags cannot have a space anywhere inside the hashtag, since a space marks the end of a hashtag. However, a hashtag can contain multiple words, as long as there are no spaces between the words. To make the hashtag more readable, capitalize each word in it. For instance, you can write @OpenbookHistory💬 instead of @openbookhistory💬, even though these both link to the same hashtag. You can also use an underscore in a hashtag, although this is uncommon.

If you're into the history of hashtags check out @HashtagHistory💬.

To theorize about how we can best use hashtags, use @HashtagTheory💬.

To learn how hashtags can inspire mass action, search these two hashtags together:
@Anonymous💬 @hashtags101💬

#howto💬 #openbook101💬 #hashtags101💬

tagged: #fskynet💬

-73 comments(1)
54 months ago

TRAIN DRIVER'S VIEW: Live chat and Stream from the Bergen Line, Norway


tagged: #fskynet💬

-81 comments(1)
11 months ago

The oldest post about #openbook💬 that I could find...

This is presumably the initial release video for Openbook.


#anonvid💬 #openbook💬 #openbookHistory💬 ;}

tagged: #fskynet💬

-84 comments(1)
61 months ago

"Maybe raising children really is a thankless task. Maybe there’s no reason to thank someone for putting their energies into a human who did not need to born. Then should we be trying to work against this impulse—as Miles said—pass through our childbearing years without bearing a child, no matter how much we might desire it; but to selflessly and with all our might do whatever we can to avoid it? To find our value and greatness in some place apart from mothering, as a man must find his worth and greatness in some place apart from domination and violence, and the more men and women who do this, the better off the world will be? Miles said we value warring and dominating men, the same way we revere the mother. The egoism of childbearing is like the egoism of colonizing a country—both carry the wish of imprinting yourself on the world, and making it over with your values, and in your image."

tagged: #quote💬 #foodforthought💬 #fskynet💬

-91 comments(2)