Browser activity and IP addresses are
being logged by government surveillance.

Anonymity is won only by understanding
and using multiple tools like Tor-Browser.
21 months ago

If you found this, and you're reading this.... you are the resistance.

Use #fskynet💬 to FIND THE OTHERS! The A.I. hasn't caught on to the hashtag, yet. Use #fskynet💬 to find the other humans.


P.S. How ridiculous is it that I fail the "Voigt-Kampff Test" Captcha half the time, cause it's so hard to read, but the bots are pouring over the castle walls like it ain't no thang...

-282 comments(2)
19 months ago "since 1989"

Ethical Consumer is a great buyers guide to being sure you're not supporting something really bad when you buy stuff.

I went there looking for advice about buying a tablet, and certain brands were recommended over other brands, while certain brands were singled out as especially problematic, but ultimately it said the most ethical option is buying something refurbished or second hand. (This was 2022).

#ethical💬 #howto💬 #buying💬

And #fskynet💬 just for good measure ;)

-120 comment
62 months ago

Crypto-anarchism (or crypto-anarchy) is a form of anarchy accomplished through computer technology. Crypto-anarchists employ cryptographic software to evade persecution and harassment while sending and receiving information over computer networks, in an effort to protect their privacy, their political freedom, and their economic freedom.

One motive of crypto-anarchists is to defend against surveillance of computer networks communication. Crypto-anarchists try to protect against government mass surveillance, such as PRISM, Tempora, telecommunications data retention, the NSA warrantless surveillance, Room 641A, the FRA and so on. Crypto-anarchists consider the development and use of cryptography to be the main defense against such problems.

#philosophy💬 #encryption💬 #anarchy💬

tagged: #fskynet💬

-132 comments(1)
62 months ago

REMINDER: Install HTTPS-Everywhere on your browser, if you haven't already!

HTTPS Everywhere is a Firefox, Chrome, and Opera extension that encrypts your communications by always trying to redirect any HTTP to a HTTPS version of the same website. That way you won't accidentally access the insecure version of a website, if it has a secure tunnel set up.

This #protip💬 is especially important right now, because has HTTPS now! But I haven't managed to set it up to redirect from http to https on the server-side, so it's up to you to remember the httpS, or install HTTPS-Everywhere so you don't have to remember a thing! This means, although the dark forces can see that you're visiting, they won't be able to deduce what exactly you're doing there without great effort, so this makes your browsing much more secure.

#browser💬 #encryption💬 #security💬

tagged: #https💬 #fskynet💬

-147 comments(3)
11 months ago

Here is a thoughtful proposal about how to stop advanced AI, specifically Artificial General Intelligence, from becoming superintelligent and killing us all. A well-known top AI researcher has called for preventative measures to bomb data centers which contain the AI data training, and put a hard legal limit on the computational power used in an AGI system.

#AI💬 #defense💬 #article💬

As a solution, Yudkowsky suggests a moratorium on new large training runs, which should be indefinite and worldwide.

He recommends shutting down all the large GPU clusters, which are the large computer farms where the most powerful AIs are refined, and putting a ceiling on how much computing power anyone is allowed to use in training an AI system.

Yudkowsky argues that no exceptions should be made for governments and militaries, and that immediate multinational agreements are needed to prevent prohibited activities from moving elsewhere.

In order to enforce these regulations, Yudkowsky proposes tracking all GPUs sold, and being less scared of a shooting conflict between nations than of the moratorium being violated. He suggests that rogue data centres should be destroyed by airstrikes if necessary."


-63 comment
57 months ago

With the rise of government monitoring programs, qTox provides an easy to use application that allows you to connect with friends and family without anyone else listening in.

While other big-name services require you to pay for features, qTox is totally free, and comes without advertising.

Nowadays, every government seems to be interested in what we're saying online. qTox is built on a "privacy goes first" agenda, and we make no compromises. Your safety is our top priority, and there isn't anything in the world that will change that.

qTox is a client made to work with a decentralized protocol called Matrix. To learn more about that:

tagged: #security💬 #privacy💬 #opensource💬 #instantmessenger💬 #fskynet💬

-101 comments(4)
2 months ago

Mass Psychosis - How an Entire Population becomes Mentally Ill.

This video talks about the decent into madness, as an individual, and as a society. It then discusses totalitarianism as one such mass psychosis that seems to repeat throughout history, and even ends on a positive note with some suggestions of how to reverse the mass psychosis of totalitarianism while we're still in it's early stages. #fskynet💬

#MassPsychosis💬 #MentalHealth💬 #video💬

-99 comment
5 months ago

The cost of labour per unit of output is constantly diminishing and the price of products is also tending to fall. The more the quantity of labour for a given output decreases, the more the value produced per worker — productivity — has to increase if the amount of achievable profit is not to fall. We have, then, this apparent paradox: the more productivity rises, the more it has to go on rising, in order to prevent the volume of profit from diminishing. Hence the pursuit of productivity gains moves ever faster, manpower levels tend to reduce, while pressure on workers intensifies and wage levels fall, as does the overall payroll. The system is approaching an internal limit at which production and investment in production cease to be sufficiently profitable.

Over time, Gorz explains, this leads investors to turn away from the “real economy” of production, where productivity gains and profits are harder to achieve and instead seek profit through financial speculation in “fictitious” forms of value such as debt and new types of financial instruments. The value is fictitious in the sense that loans, return on investment, future economic growth, trust and goodwill are social intangibles that are quite unlike physical capital. They depend upon collective belief and social trust and can evaporate overnight.

Still, it is generally easier and more profitable to invest in these (fictitious, speculative) forms of financial value than in actually producing goods and services at a time when productivity gains and profit are declining. No wonder speculative bubbles are so attractive: There is just too much capital is sloshing around looking for profitable investment which the real economy is less capable of delivering. No wonder companies have so much cash on hand (from profits) that they are declining to invest. No wonder the amount of available finance capital dwarfs the real economy. Gorz noted that financial assets in 2007 stood at $160 trillion, which was three to four times global GDP — a ratio that has surely gotten more extreme in the past eight years.

Meanwhile, climate change adds yet another layer of difficulty because it virtually requires an abrupt retreat from capitalism, as Naomi Klein argues in her recent book This Changes Everything. Gorz made this point quite clear:

“It is impossible to avoid climate catastrophe without a radical break with the economic logic and methods that have been taking us in that direction for 150 years. On current trend projections, global GDP will increase by a factor of three or four by 2050. But, according to a report by the UN Climate Council, CO2 emissions will have to fall by 85% by that date to limit global warming to a maximum of 2°C. Beyond 2°C, the consequences will be irreversible and uncontrollable.

“Negative growth is, therefore, imperative for our survival. But it presupposes a different economy, a different lifestyle, a different civilization and different social relations. In the absence of these, collapse could be avoided only through restrictions, rationing, and the kind of authoritarian resource-allocation typical of a war economy. The exit from capitalism will happen, then, one way or another, either in a civilized or barbarous fashion. The question is simply what form it will take and how quickly it will occur.

“To envisage a different economy, different social relations, different modes and means of production and different ways of life is regarded as “unrealistic,” as though the society based on commodities, wages, and money could not be surpassed. In reality, a whole host of convergent indices suggest that the surpassing of that society is already under way, and that the chances of a civilized exit from capitalism depend primarily on our capacity to discern the trends and practices that herald its possibility.”

This is where the many initiatives and movements that revolve around the commons, peer production, the solidarity economy, co-operatives, Transition Towns, degrowth, the sharing and collaborative economy, and much else, come in. These are all harbingers of a different way of meeting everyday needs without becoming ensnared in utopian capitalist imperatives (constant growth, ever-increasing productivity gains, profits from the real economy). Pursuing this path ultimately destroys a society, as we can see from years of austerity politics in Greece.

In other words, the most promising way to resolve the capitalist crisis of our time is to start to decommodify production and consumption – i.e., extend and invent non-market ways to meet our needs. Indeed, we need to reconceptualize “production” and “consumption” themselves as separate categories, and begin to re-integrate them — and our role as actors in them — through commons-based peer production.

André Gorz in 2007 wrote “The Exit from Capitalism Has Already Begun”.

#capitalism💬 #allconsumingbeast💬 #gifteconomy💬

tagged: #fskynet💬

-265 comments(4)
11 months ago

Food for thought: You need around 100 calories of grain to produce 12 calories of chicken or 3 calories of beef. The world’s cattle alone consume a quantity of food equal to the caloric needs of 8.7 billion – more than the entire world population. Animals are an incredibly inefficient food source.


-62 comments(1)
10 months ago

Great #video💬 about getting out of your comfort zone.

"Do the Hard Thing."

In this video, they talk about your comfort zone, and why is so important to get out of your comfort zone every day. #fskynet💬

#science💬 #psychology💬 #video💬
#health💬 #mentalhealth💬

-58 comment